Category: MS Security & Authorization

Securing REST API using Keycloak and Spring Oauth2 0

Securing REST API using Keycloak and Spring Oauth2

Keycloak is Open Source Identity and Access Management Server, which is a OAuth2 and OpenID Connect(OIDC) protocol complaint. Keycloak documentation suggest 3 ways to secure Spring based REST APIS. Using Keycloak Spring Boot Adapter Using keycloak Spring Security...

[汇总]关于JWT扩展思考 0


如果accessToken放Client端,refreshToken存储在服务器,那么会违背微服务的无状态构架初衷。 accessToken和refreshToken统一放在Client端,可以遵循微服务无状态构架。 两种情况都可以通过accessToken来延长refreshToken,做到长时间保持登录状态的需求。


OAuth 2 Password Credentials&Client Credentials

In microservices, the front service should use the Authorization Code(Grant Type) to let users log in with the web browser, and other services in the background should use Client Credentials(Grant Type).

[转]如何设计权限管理模块 0



[转]如何在微服务架构中实现安全性? 0



[汇总]Spring Security和OAuth2 0

[汇总]Spring Security和OAuth2

Spring boot使用Spring Security和OAuth2保护REST接口 Spring Security 最佳实践 Spring Security简介 Spring Security 认证流程 Spring Security 项目搭建 导入依赖 访问页面 自定义用户名和密码 UserDetailsService详解 PasswordEncoder密码解析器详解 登录配置 角色权限 403 权限不足页面处理 RememberMe(记住我) Spring Security 注解 Spring Security中CSRF 什么是CSRF?    

Client credentials with JWT sequence 0



Bildergebnis für wechat 0

WeChat Website Login with Barcode

This article will show you how to integrate WeChat login with your website. 1. Register develop account Register an account at and apply for verification, it takes several days.